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Listserv Setup

We manage email lists via Google Groups/Forum

We use internal and client-facing listservs for email communication. Project Managers are responsible for setting up and maintaining project mailing lists.

Naming conventions

Create a new project email list

  • You need to be logged in using your email address
  • Create a group
  • Leave the defaults, usually (read the options on that page, it's pretty self-explanatory)

Before adding users

  • Under Basic Permissions: Check off "Allow new users not in civicactions".
  • Under Posting Permissions: For the Post field select all options including "Anyone on the web" so that clients can email to the list and the list can be CC'd on other's emails.
  • Under Email Options: Add [subject prefix] that will show up in all emails in the subject line
  • Under Email Options: Set "Post replies" "To the entire group" (in most cases)
  • Under Email Options: You can set auto-replies, custom footers, etc.
  • There are lots of other settings under other menu items.

Adding users

  • In most cases, you'll want to use "Direct add members" instead of "Invite members", so that invitees don't need to take any action.
  • You can set a welcome message that should be sticky for future members that get added.
  • Add and to every list you create.

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Last update July 29, 2024.